If my pregnancy in February had progressed, I would be 6 months pregnant right now. My early miscarriage was certainly emotional yet the gifts and growth that came from it, I will be forever grateful for. My parents have always taught me the power in “FEELING it to HEAL it” So, In February and at times, every month since, I allowed myself to do just that. I cried a lot and Jimmy and I allowed ourselves to slowly move through all stages of grief. I leaned on friends who have gone through similar experiences of loss, I allowed myself to receive all the support and love from so many friends and family. Once I released so much of that energy and emotion, I freed up space to grow and expand from the unexpected.
“While the feeling of loss is very real, it is important to remember that miscarriage rarely indicates that the conception contract has been broken. The unborn spirit has not rejected its parents. Often the unborn has simply retreated to a quiet, familiar place to better prepare for its new life.”
—Spirit Babies by Walter Makichen
(a renowned medium and clairvoyant)
the power of vulnerability
I remembered the power of vulnerability and how much deeper our connections become when we share what’s real in our hearts. It created the Opportunity to let go of attachment to outcomes or ideal timelines (that are often ingrained in us from outside pressures) and deeply trust in my life’s path. I was given the gift of time to practice becoming more comfortable with the uncertainty in life, and trust the universe is working FOR us not against us. It allowed me to remember the true miracle that it is when a woman can transform a soul into this world in beautiful physical form. To trust in my body's innate wisdom when it is for our highest good, our time will come. Trusting there is a good reason even though I don’t know exactly what that is. The gift of more time to nourish, love and Mother myself, before mothering another human Being. More opportunity to appreciate this time as “Rach and Jimmy”, to become stronger, more open communicators, and to enjoy our spontaneity and freedom together. I feel a peace and deep sense of comfort letting go of control and letting the divine take the lead. Universe, I surrender and trust that our time will come when it is for our highest good.