I offer different massage options, depending on your stage of pregnancy. I pride myself in making mamas feel as comfortable, supported (and weightless!) as possible, that’s why I have special support pillows so you can have an incredible massage (even with your beautiful belly)!
Choose the massage that’s right for you, mama!
Pregnancy Massage
While a woman's body miraculously adjusts to create life inside, tense holding patterns often develop in the low back, hip and neck as well as edema, swelling in their lower limbs. Circulatory massage helps the venous return and blood flow to reduce swelling and tension throughout the body. Deeper intentional pressure is safe and extremely beneficial to relieve pain, increase mobility, and create more freedom in the body. A comfortable mom creates a more harmonious environment for the baby living inside so both Mom and their little one receive the benefits.
Prenatal massage has endless benefits such as:
Helps alleviate muscle and joint pain through deep specialized techniques
Calms and relaxes the nervous system
Improves breathing, digestion and sleep
Creates openness and freedom in the body to help with baby’s position
Contribute to easier, shorter labors
Help mom feel more at ease and in touch with herself and her baby
Overall nourishment for the mind, body and soul.
My Intention is to nurture your mind, body and soul so you can more naturally nurture your growing little one inside. I offer multiple pillow and position options to create the most comfortable and relaxing experience so you feel fully supported and leave feeling more balanced, free and rejuvenated.
Birth Preparation Massage
My intention is to empower you and help you tap into your divine feminine power, surrender and confidently trust that your body was designed to do this- to create and give birth to life. We will practice breathwork, create birth mantras, set birth intentions and prepare your body for labor by opening your hips to promote optimal positioning while relaxing your mind and body.
Release restrictions and restore balance within your sacrum, hips and pelvis
Encouraging your body to open and relax can create more space for your baby to find his or her optimal position for birth
Practice the power of intention rather than expectation
Time to connect with your body, release tension or fears, soften and surrender, celebrate and embody your feminine power
Postpartum Massage and Support
Childbirth is so beautiful and also physically and emotionally demanding on a woman’s mind and body so it's essential for a new mother to take the time to rest and recover. During such a transformative time of healing, shifting hormones, and adapting to new roles and priorities as a mother, it is natural to feel a huge range of emotions from bliss, empowerment and the purest love imaginable to overwhelm, anxiety and exhaustion. I create a safe, welcoming and loving space and remind you that any and all emotions are OK and healthy to feel and process. Massage is a powerful way to help ease the physical and emotional demands of labor, sleep deprivation, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn. When a mom feels nurtured, rejuvenated, and whole, she can show up for herself and her family from a more heart centered, wholesome state.
My intention is to create a nurturing and healing space for you to focus on yourself, take a break from giving to fully receive and replenish. You are always welcome to share your birth story and discuss how you are feeling, healing and adjusting to caring for your newborn. I will use specialized massage techniques, therapeutic heat and aromatherapy to create a personalized massage therapy session. I will address your specific needs and help release emotional and muscle tension so you leave feeling lighter, more relaxed, rejuvenated and nourished in your mind, body and spirit. I will follow up with you after your session and send any resources and mind/body/soul balancing practices I feel will resonate and support your well being.
Relieves soreness and muscle tension from labor
Reduces stress and anxiety and provides deep relaxation
Reduces weakness and fatigue
Relieves neck, shoulder, hand, back and wrist pain from caring for a newborn
Help your body to release oxytocin which supports healthy breast milk production
Increases blood circulation
Reduce swelling by stimulating the lymphatic drainage that helps to remove excess fluids and waste products.
Offers a natural way to sooth and nurture mothers as they adjust to shifting hormones and motherhood
Enhances the attachment and bonding experience between mother and baby
Abdonimal Massage
(30 minute add-on to postpartum massage)
After delivery a woman’s physical body goes through incredible changes as it heals and gradually returns to its pre-pregnancy state. The uterus shrinks back down, the digestive organs shift back into place, the bladder resumes proper position, and the pelvic floor heals from any strain from pushing. Massage and heat treatments to this area are designed to increase circulation and help the organs realign and muscles heal optimally. We will also create a plan to gradually strengthen the core muscles with breathwork and intentional exercises. LESS is MORE with this so it's very important to listen to your body rather than give in to society's pressure to “bounce back” If we jump back in to rigorous activity too soon, we can cause diastasis recti- which is severe separation of the rectus abdominis muscles.
Cesarean Scar Healing
Cross fiber friction massage is used to encourage healing of cesarean scar tissue. This breaks up adhesions to create more movement and flexibility between the layers of muscle and surrounding tissue.
A mother can receive massage treatment within the first month but before deeper work can be performed, it's best to wait until cesarean scar tissue is properly healed which is usually after six weeks.
Helps internal organs to resume proper placement
Re-establishes pelvis structural integrity
Helps to restore the uterus position and size to it's original state
Promotes cesarean scar healing
While I do specialize in prenatal and postpartum massage, I often take on clients for other massage services, including:
Sports Massage
Hot Stone
Deep tissue and office massage.
To learn more or book a session, contact me here.